Jeffreys Chamber

My Favourite Roomby Keith Drakes – Guide

‘In Jeffreys Chamber we ask visitors to place a pin, in the maps, where they call home.

When we stand back and look at the various places visitors come from, near and far, worldwide, it shows that people must value our Rectory and its history.

The distance some visitors travel, they may only get a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity to see The Rectory at Epworth.

To me it shows the impact a man and family, from approximately 300 years ago, has made on our worth today’

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More from the collection

Loving Cups

The Loving Cup A Loving cup used by early Methodists in an act

John Wesley preaching from his pulpit

A flatback of John Wesley A flatback figure of John Wesley preaching from

‘The Fire’

On display up the Queen Anne style staircase we have a large print


We are proud to have an extensive and wonderful collection of books safely